Hyperbaric chamber online

Comprehensive Certification for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Technicians

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber. The pressure is significantly higher than normal atmospheric pressure. This increased pressure allows the blood to carry more oxygen, which can benefit various tissues and organs in the body.

It's used for many conditions, including:

  • Diving accident treatment 
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Wound healing
  • Radiation therapy

Many conditions considered off-label are not FDA-approved but have tremendous benefits. Some of them include:

  • Autism
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Lyme disease 
  • Concussion
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Alzheimer & dementia 
  • Preventive healthcare

Hyperbaric chambers are found in medical clinics and hospitals and are popping up in many other facilities, such as:

  • Plastic surgery clinics are prepping the body before surgery and post-surgery to maximize the healing of the wound 
  • Gyms and chiropractic clinics for injury healing
  • Spas for anti-aging benefits 
  • Naturopathic clinics for diseases such as Lyme disease, Crohn's disease, or Autism

As you can see, the field of hyperbaric oxygen therapy is rapidly expanding, offering a promising new frontier for treatment and healing. As the demand for HBOT increases, so does the need for qualified hyperbaric technicians to administer this therapy.  However, in-person training and online accredited courses are available for those interested in this growing field. 

Here are some key considerations when choosing the best hyperbaric training course for HBOT technicians:


Ensure the program is accredited by a recognized organization. Accreditation signifies that the program meets industry standards and prepares graduates for professional practice. There are a number of different certification organizations. 

Here are a few in the United States:

  1. International Hyperbaric Association (IHA)
  2. International Board of Undersea Medicine (IBUM)
  3. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS)


 Look for a hyperbaric training course that covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Hyperbaric Physiology and the Effects of Hyperbaric Pressure
    • Learn how the human body reacts to increased atmospheric pressure. When a person is placed in a hyperbaric chamber, the pressure is significantly higher than normal, leading to a variety of physiological changes.
    • The most significant effect of hyperbaric pressure is the increased delivery of oxygen to the tissues. This is because the dissolved oxygen in the blood increases, allowing for better oxygenation of cells and tissues. 
    • Hyperbaric pressure can lead to vasodilation, or the widening of blood vessels. This increased blood flow can improve circulation and promote healing.
    • Studies have shown that hyperbaric pressure can have anti-inflammatory effects. This can be beneficial for conditions characterized by inflammation, such as arthritis and certain autoimmune diseases.
    • Hyperbaric pressure can stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. This can be helpful in promoting tissue repair and healing.
  • Types of Hyperbaric Chambers
    • Hard hyperbaric versus mild hyperbaric chambers, also known as soft or portable ones, have different pressure levels, risk levels, and budgets.
  • Hyperbaric Chamber Operations
    • What pressures are best for what type of medical conditions
    • What do the different pieces of hyperbaric chamber equipment do, turn it on, and what are the types of maintenance involved?
  • Hyperbaric Safety 
    • Assessing a patient's suitability for HBOT and monitoring their vital signs during treatment is essential. Some folks prone to claustrophobia may need to go slower and require individualized time.  Learn how to help your patients feel more comfortable during their hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 
    • Learn how to work with claustrophobia and which style of a hyperbaric chamber might make things a little easier for patients to feel more comfortable and relaxed.
    • Learn how to respond to emergencies if one were to happen during HBOT sessions.
  • Treatment Protocols
    • As an HBOT technician, you will need to understand the different HBOT treatment protocols and when to use each one. Each person's body and what they may be treated for can have different requirements.
    • A technician will understand the risks associated with HBOT and implement safety protocols to minimize them. There are a select few health conditions for which hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not recommended.
  • Ongoing Support
    • Some programs offer continued support for those ongoing questions, especially when starting with patients. Many new techs have found they need additional support after getting started or individualized cases that may need to be run by the hyperbaric expert until you, as a technician, are 100% comfortable in treating patients.
  • Exam Preparation
    • Some programs include resources to help you prepare for the certification exam. Preparation tools may include practice tests, study guides, groups, or tutoring.
hyperbaric technician training

Hyperbaric Training Online Versus On-site Hyperbaric Certification

Online hyperbaric oxygen therapy certifications offer a convenient and flexible way for aspiring HBOT technicians to gain the necessary knowledge and skills. These programs can be completed at your own pace, making them ideal for individuals with busy schedules or limited access to traditional training institutions.

Benefits of hyperbaric training online:

1. Flexibility: Learn at your own pace and on your schedule.

2. Convenience: Accessing course materials from anywhere with an internet connection eliminates traveling costs. 

3. Affordability: Online programs may be more cost-effective than traditional classroom-based training.

4. Career advancement: Certification can enhance your job prospects and earning potential.

Here, we dive into what to look for in a training program and the pros and cons of in-person training versus an online course.

On-site Hyperbaric Training

Benefits of an On-site  Certification for HBOT Technicians:

1. Hands-on: You may have access to a hyperbaric chamber in the classroom where you can get hands-on training.

2. Peers: They may provide additional support by having other professionals to network with. 

In conclusion, online or in-person certifications offer a valuable pathway to becoming a qualified HBOT technician for various learning styles, the amount of time you have to dedicate to this and budgets. By choosing a reputable program and dedicating yourself to your studies, you can gain the knowledge and skills needed to provide safe and effective patient care and be part of the fantastic transformation hyperbaric oxygen therapy can have on lives.

As a hyperbaric technician, you may experience some of the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, such as autistic children starting to speak, Lyme disease patients gaining strength and restoring their energy, traumatic brain injuries gaining brain cognition, migraines gone, or folks with fibromyalgia or arthritis reducing their pain.

Here at Healing The Hyperbaric Way, our clients have found great benefits in our online hyperbaric training due to the knowledge they gain and the automated patient screenings that are included. These screenings allow patients to input their medical history into online software. The practitioner will then receive a hyperbaric protocol to follow and let you know if they are not a safe candidate.

This online hyperbaric course also gives access to a hyperbaric-trained doctor to call and email with all your questions about marketing, such as how much to charge for your area, individualized protocols for patients with unique medical conditions, and what they need to do to successfully add this treatment to their health and wellness business or become a confident technician.

Discover the power of hyperbaric therapy with our convenient online training programs. Enroll today and take your health and wellness career to the next level.