Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

The Benefits of a Hyperbaric Chamber

What are the benefits of a hyperbaric chamber and how long does it take to experience them?

Restored energy, pain relief, reduced inflammation, increased blood flow and circulation, new tissue, and the ability to fight infection and diseases are all benefits that have been reported with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

What exactly does that mean for you?

Dr. Zayd Ratansi ND with Hyperbaric Excellence gives a breakdown of typical programs the benefits of mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy. He has spent his career working in hyperbaric therapy.

Here is what type of person may benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy and what they may expect to experience in 5-40 sessions.

 5 Sessions ⬇️

For those wishing to help give their body a quick boost in health and vitality, precondition their organs before or after surgery, provide a compliment for physical therapy, orthopedic/chiropractic manipulation, massage, or any other body therapies.

  • Energize your body, giving you a general feeling of strength and well being
  • Quickly reduce on-going inflammation throughout the body
  • Strong protection of the body and all its organs including the brain, liver, and heart

10 Sessions ⬇️

For those who have recent injuries like sprains or strains and has shown dramatic relief in painful joints or tissue.

  • Strong pain-relief and reduction in swelling
  • Help repair acute and recent injuries

20 sessions ⬇️

For people who require major tissue repair that involves enhancing the body’s regenerative capacities.

  • Help mobilize new stem cells
  • Stimulate new collagen and new tissue
  • Help create new blood flow and circulation

40 Sessions ⬇️

Often reserved for those who have very serious or chronic (long-lasting) injuries or conditions

  • Help the body recover from major health challenges
  • Help fight infections and diseases
  • Help combat aging and degenerative diseases

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